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Location Report

Location Report
The following locations are where I will be filming my Media Music Video:

Various Public Car parks

These locations will be used to film the majority of my shots involving a car. I will be filming at night when the car parks will be mostly deserted, to give me enough real estate to get the shots I want without too much interruption from passers-by.

Underground Subway

This location will be used to film my shot of a can of coke being opened in slow motion. I chose this location due to the great lighting which is available in that location. he light in that location is able to project itself on my actors, getting the best possible shots when the can is being opened.

Sainsbury's High Wycombe

Sainsbury's will be used for the shot of one of my actors pushing the other actor in a trolley. The actor which is in the trolley is picking M&M's off the shelf, which also links in with the lyrics which will be going over that shot.

Morrison's High Wycombe

This location will be used for some of the special effect shots of various clothing items morphing into other similar items. At the entrance of Morrison's my actor will be stationary in a trolley and his shoes will change into other shoes which are of the same type in a different colour. In addition to this, my actor will be wearing a T-shirt under a jacket, which will change into another shirt which looks similar.

KFC High Wycombe

My actor will be filmed walking from his car, up to KFC, and then up to the entrance door. After this, the next shot will be of him walking back to his car, emerging from behind the camera with a bag of food from KFC.
Cash machine

This will be a simple shot of one of my actors withdrawing some cash from a cash machine. I will film the actor walking to the cash machine and inserting his card to the machine. I will also be filming from multiple angles.


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